A high-level sporting event with 600 competing athletes belonging to 50 national federations from all over the world: the Speed Skating World Championships 2023 will be held from August 26th to September 3rd in the cities of Montecchio…
Si è tenuto l’11 Luglio scorso l’incontro tra organizzazioni sindacali di tutti i siti italiani e la Direzione Aziendale di FIAMM per condividere il nuovo piano industriale del valore di 80 milioni di euro che guiderà il gruppo nel prossimo…
The A35 Brebemi-Aleatica motorway, ABB, Electreon, FIAMM Energy Technology, IVECO, IVECO Bus, Mapei, Pizzarotti, Politecnico di Milano, Prysmian, Stellantis, TIM, Roma Tre University and the University of Parma announced the launch of a…
This is to update you on the latest COVID-19 pandemic evolution. In according with the latest Governmental instructions (DPCM 03/11/2020) we confirm to our partners the continuity of operations in our production, and logistic plants, as…
An example of prompt reaction to the unexpected health crisis is what happened to FIAMM Energy Technology, which introduced new practices in the company for staff management, obtaining extremely positive feedbacks from its employees.
Although FIAMM Energy Technology has not been affected by any positive case of the disease, we would like to reassure that we took all the necessary preventive measures to avoid any possible infection.
Hitachi Chemical Co., Ltd. (holding 51% of FIAMM Energy Technology capital share), hereby announces that Hitachi Chemical’s Board of Directors, at its meeting held on December 18, 2019, has resolved that Hitachi Chemical selected SHOWA…
Il Consiglio di Amministrazione di FIAMM Energy Technology conferma Fujio Owa nuovo Amministratore Delegato. Succede a Yasuhiko Nakayama che assume un nuovo ruolo all’interno del Gruppo Hitachi. Fujio Owa avrà un compito estremamente…
On October 18th, at HangarBicocca in Milan, important conferences will be held with leading industrial and government leaders on the theme of the Italian industrial future.
FIAMM will expose the range of Ecoforce AGM and AFB batteries for…
Martedì 16 Maggio si terrà il primo “Town Meeting” organizzato da Hitachi Chemical. Un’occasione per fare il punto sulla nuova impresa, l’incontro di Montecchio Maggiore vedrà la presenza del Presidente del Consiglio di Amministrazione…
The agreement signed on 28 November 2016 was completed within the expected time, laying the basis for the creation of the Italian-Japanese joint venture, the last act in a long process of assessment which FIAMM set up to identify a business…
FIAMM’s Board of Directors has resolved to proceed with the signing of the agreement for the creation of a joint venture with Hitachi Chemical, a multinational company that is part of the Hitachi.