All the 2020 novelties for the FIAMM Mobility Power Solutions battery range
The new FIAMM products are about to debut on the market with innovative features applied to the most modern cars.
Watch the video and find out more
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ConfirmarThe new FIAMM products are about to debut on the market with innovative features applied to the most modern cars.
Watch the video and find out more
FIAMM Energy Technology SpA Viale Europa, 75 Montecchio Maggiore 36075 (VI) – Italia Tel. +39 0444 709311 – Fax +39 0444 699237
Tax Code VAT Code 04040310247 Trade Register of Vicenza 04040310247 Paid-in Capital 65.300.000,00 Euro – R.E.A. VI-374092
Company subject to the management and coordination of Resonac Corporation - Cláusula de exención de responsabilidad - Política de cookies - Confidencialidad