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Technical Training Courses “em Portugal”

On 11th and 12th October 2019, FIAMM Energy Technology’s sales force and product marketing flew to Portugal to hold some training courses about the battery’s technology.

The business trip was divided into 2 stages, each of them dedicated to an important customer: Polibaterias and DDS Auto.

On Friday 11th October, Polibaterias, official distributor of FIAMM branded products for many years, organized an event in Vila Real, at Palace Hotel de Monte Real, attended by many spare part dealers and garages. FIAMM Energy Technology team held a technical presentation about the battery functioning and the guests showed great interest in the topic and took part very actively to the meeting.

On the second day, Saturday 12th October, DDS Auto, important customer of the AKUMA brand, welcomed FET colleagues at their offices in Campo. Also this event was very successful and beneficial to both sides: it was a valuable occasion of dialogue among the players in the whole supply chain, from the manufacturer to the garage.

Muito obrigado a todos nossos clientes!